Eesti EduHub



TALENTED: Tailored Employment Paths for Adults with ASD

KA220-ADU - Cooperation partnerships in adult education
Duration of the project
01/12/2023 – 30/11/2026
Number of the project

Project Description

The aim of TALENTED is to promote the employability and integration of adults with autism and to improve training opportunities for them. This through the development of individually adapted activation, counselling and training tools, and equipping adult educators/trainers with valuable knowledge, skills and tools, in order to increase the target group’s motivation, their ability to make informed decisions and to strengthen their employability skills.


The overarching aim of TALENTED is to promote the employability and social inclusion of people with autism by improving the quality of the education and training opportunities available to them in line with their needs. Goals:

Target group

The main target groups of the project are

Project results

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